Sunday, September 30, 2012

Design Assignment #4 - Villain

Et voìla. An actual original character design for school. This time we had to design a villain. Kinda had fun with this, until I started getting really frustrated with consistency. Can see progress here though. His arms are too short though.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Life Drawing Log: Week 3

   This week we studied negative space - something I really found helpful for my life drawing. I'm staring to see some progress here, which is really encouraging... we'll see if this keeps up though.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Animation Assignment #3 - Flour sack

A combination of all the fundamentals we learned. The dreaded flour sack assignments begin.

Design Assignment #3 - Disney Pose, Kida

This week we had to pose out a disney princess or villain. I chose Kida from Atlantis. It was kinda fun, really hard though considering the high level of design Atlantis had. Well, after many crumpled sketches, its done. Not happy with the foot, or the expression. Also, the arms aren't the same length. Oh well. Try again next time.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life Drawing Log: Week 2


     This is a collection (and a cat being too cute too move out of the way) Of my life drawing from our second week of life drawing. Im starting to see some improvement in my gesture studies, since that's like all we do so far. I'm enjoying it though, Moh, our teacher, is really chill and nice so it's going well I think. More soon.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Design Assignment #2 - Dino Poses

 This assignment was to take Dino from the Flintstones, and design his into three different poses: jumping in fear, sprinting after someone, and pulling on a rope. I think I'm about halfway there to his likeness. Still, I've never been one to be proud of 50%.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Animation Assignment #2 - Ball with Leg

     First official animation assignment. Done traditionally  Here we learned 1-3-2 flip. Still dont really get it. I'm sure I'll get more comfortable with paper a time goes on though.

Colour Study C

For C, I painted a cupcake, as per requested by my girlfriend. Not especially happy with the colours here, more so with the lighting. I tried a new method of colouring black and white paintings using a gradient map. Used three in this.

Looks more evil than yummy though...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Life Drawing Log: Week 1

This about sums up the first week of life drawing. So far we've only been looking at gesture, the bottom tow are from outside of school. Still have a lot to learn.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Animation Assignment #1 - Flour Sack 360

And we begin the year with a flour sack jump. Much more complex than what we did during the summer program, but I feel I did better as well.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Animation Exercise - Triple Bounce

Another exercise. Just squash and stretch principles.

Design Assignment #1 - Party Boy [is not amused]

    Our first character design assignment of the year. The assignment was to draw a young boy (or girl) dressed in specific clothes for a party, but drawn in a different artist's style. The artist I chose was  Simon Loche, an artist I was not familiar with prior to school. I don't entirely feel that I captured his style (perhaps I will try again with an artist whose style is much more different from mine) but im overall satisfied with the outcome. Hands are too small though, right eye is blotched, and he's missing a left elbow, among many other things.

Keeping on working. Much to do.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Animation Exercise - Hangtime

One of the very first animation exercises we did in class. This one is just a simple focus on hangtime.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Colour Study B

Second colour study, I think it was a little more successful. I enjoy the depth of field I tried to mimic.

More soon.